Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Trouble in the Land of Milk and Honey 3/3

Trouble in the Land of Milk and Honey
June 14, 2014

l   cut the mustard: Come up to expectations; reach the required standard
l   The proof of pudding is in the eating. The real value of something can be judged only from practical experience or results and not from appearance or theory.
l   out to lunch
l   groan: Complain; grumble
l   taste test: e.g. I did a taste test. I taste tested the soup.
l   savory - Savory foods can also be other flavors like spicy, salty, sour and so on.
l   charactonym: 說明某個人特徵的詞
l   aptonym
l   corned beef
l   sauerkraut
l   rye
l   sprinter
l   pasty
l   fare
l   specialty
l   specialize
l   clumsy

l   takes the cake, it means it's better than the rest

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