Friday, June 13, 2014

Trouble in the Land of Milk and Honey 2/3

Trouble in the Land of Milk and Honey
June 13, 2014

l   coriander香菜
l   pork chop豬排
l   appetizer開胃菜
l   nachos墨西哥玉米片
l   beef up: make it stronger or more powerful
l   sprinkle
l   shaker
l   go flying
l   eat his words
l   eat crow吃烏鴉;承認自己錯了
l   repulsive
l   umble pie->humble pie
l   rotisserie
l   wine撒嬌;發出哀鳴
l   mourn抱怨
l   rare/medium/medium well/well-done

l   hot pepper

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