Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Amazing Azores 1/2

The Amazing Azores
Studio Classroom June 18, 2014

l   The town was destroyed by a large volcanic eruption.
l   The active volcano keeps throwing out flames and lava.這座活火山不停的噴出火焰和熔漿。
l   off the beaten path人跡罕至或很少有人知道的
l   let's hit the road: you get ready to leave a specific place
l   pile into the car
l   once-in-a-lifetime
l   paragliding
l   Big things come in small packages.
l   All that glitters is not gold.所有閃爍的東西未必是金子
l   boost the economy
l   economy節約:Hybrid or electric cars help to increase fuel economy.
l   an active/dormant/extinct volcano

l   evacuate

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