Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Sticky Situation-What did this stranger do? 1/2

A Sticky Situation-What did this stranger do?
Studio Classroom June 20, 2014

l   sticky 棘手的、令人為難的事
l   by the second/minute/hour - We use these phrases to talk about how something grows more and more over time.
l   harden 麻木不仁或立場變堅固 e.g. The buyer's attitude suddenly hardened during the negotiations.
l   captivating - captivate: Attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm
l   What's the story with these bills? Or, what's the background information with these bills?

l   Desensitized - Now if you're "desensitized," that means that maybe you used to react to violent things or you used to get surprised or shocked at terrible events, but now you don't.

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