Monday, June 30, 2014

It's Mango Time!

It's Mango Time!
Studio Classroom June 30, 2014

cultivate培養;形成 e.g. Rita is trying to cultivate a positive attitude toward life.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Trapped by Technology? 2/2

Trapped by Technology?
Studio Classroom June 28, 2014

l   recreational vehicles休旅車
l   see eye to eye - If two people "see eye to eye," that means they agree with each other about something.
l   agree to disagree

l   down time 休息放鬆的時間 e.g. Martha plays tennis during her down time.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Trapped by Technology? 1/2

Trapped by Technology?
Studio Classroom June 27, 2014

l   lull 間歇、暫停或暫時的平靜 e.g. After a 15-minute lull, the little girl started whining again. There have been no border conflicts lately, but it might just be the lull before the storm.
l   lull in conversation 冷場

l   overly: very much or too much

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Shailene Woodley 2/2

Shailene Woodley
Studio Classroom June 26, 2014

l   high-profile 備受矚目或高知名度的 e.g. Many high-profiled production houses are interested in this script.
l   [amount of time] is/was a period someone says + a verb
l   maintain: declare something to be true e.g. The prisoner maintained his innocence.
l   personable: If someone is "personable," than they are very friendly. They enjoy talking to other people and make them feel welcome.
l   stay true to someone/something
l   sheer 完全的或十足的 e.g. The sheer delight of enjoying family time with my kids is incomparable.

l   get the sense

Shailene Woodley 1/2

Shailene Woodley
Studio Classroom June 24, 2014

l   put someone in a box-If you "put someone in a box," then you are confining them or restricting them to a certain amount of space.
l   divergent -That means it is different from the things around it or different from what is considered normal.
l   juvenile – referring to people under the age of 18
l   eventful 充滿大事的或多事故的 e.g. We had an eventful year, a change of CEO, a serious merger and a relocation of our headquarters.
l   resolute 剛毅的;堅定的 resolution 立志
l   prove to be e.g. The computer proved to be a good investment. Steve proved to be a great friend.
l   Scoliosis 脊椎側彎
l   Tom was cast as a pirate in the school play.
l   relate to something - That means that a person can understand what something is like, or you can understand the way another person feels or thinks. e.g. The politician tried to relate to voters on issues that were important to them.

l   all the while: during the time

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Sticky Situation-What did this stranger do? 2/2

A Sticky Situation-What did this stranger do?
Studio Classroom June 20, 2014

l   sticky 棘手的、令人為難的事
l   by the second/minute/hour - We use these phrases to talk about how something grows more and more over time.
l   harden 麻木不仁或立場變堅固 e.g. The buyer's attitude suddenly hardened during the negotiations.
l   captivating - captivate: Attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm
l   What's the story with these bills? Or, what's the background information with these bills?

l   Desensitized - Now if you're "desensitized," that means that maybe you used to react to violent things or you used to get surprised or shocked at terrible events, but now you don't.

A Sticky Situation-What did this stranger do? 1/2

A Sticky Situation-What did this stranger do?
Studio Classroom June 20, 2014

l   sticky 棘手的、令人為難的事
l   by the second/minute/hour - We use these phrases to talk about how something grows more and more over time.
l   harden 麻木不仁或立場變堅固 e.g. The buyer's attitude suddenly hardened during the negotiations.
l   captivating - captivate: Attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm
l   What's the story with these bills? Or, what's the background information with these bills?

l   Desensitized - Now if you're "desensitized," that means that maybe you used to react to violent things or you used to get surprised or shocked at terrible events, but now you don't.

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Amazing Azores 2/2

The Amazing Azores
Studio Classroom June 19, 2014

l   historic歷史性的/historical歷史的 historical background
l   hold your horses: hold on or wait
l   stand: refer to one's opinion about something e.g. What is his stand on health care? Does the president have a particular stand on the new tax law?
l   A music stand refers to the rack that you can use for holding music in a position so that you're able to read it.
l   譜架
l   Please make my food mild.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Amazing Azores 1/2

The Amazing Azores
Studio Classroom June 18, 2014

l   The town was destroyed by a large volcanic eruption.
l   The active volcano keeps throwing out flames and lava.這座活火山不停的噴出火焰和熔漿。
l   off the beaten path人跡罕至或很少有人知道的
l   let's hit the road: you get ready to leave a specific place
l   pile into the car
l   once-in-a-lifetime
l   paragliding
l   Big things come in small packages.
l   All that glitters is not gold.所有閃爍的東西未必是金子
l   boost the economy
l   economy節約:Hybrid or electric cars help to increase fuel economy.
l   an active/dormant/extinct volcano

l   evacuate

Trouble in the Land of Milk and Honey 3/3

Trouble in the Land of Milk and Honey
June 14, 2014

l   cut the mustard: Come up to expectations; reach the required standard
l   The proof of pudding is in the eating. The real value of something can be judged only from practical experience or results and not from appearance or theory.
l   out to lunch
l   groan: Complain; grumble
l   taste test: e.g. I did a taste test. I taste tested the soup.
l   savory - Savory foods can also be other flavors like spicy, salty, sour and so on.
l   charactonym: 說明某個人特徵的詞
l   aptonym
l   corned beef
l   sauerkraut
l   rye
l   sprinter
l   pasty
l   fare
l   specialty
l   specialize
l   clumsy

l   takes the cake, it means it's better than the rest

Friday, June 13, 2014


〈召集人〉Starrie Chen
〈內容〉討論LIVEABC TOEIC線上模擬測驗題庫聽力能力測驗26-43題、閱讀測驗1-10題

Trouble in the Land of Milk and Honey 2/3

Trouble in the Land of Milk and Honey
June 13, 2014

l   coriander香菜
l   pork chop豬排
l   appetizer開胃菜
l   nachos墨西哥玉米片
l   beef up: make it stronger or more powerful
l   sprinkle
l   shaker
l   go flying
l   eat his words
l   eat crow吃烏鴉;承認自己錯了
l   repulsive
l   umble pie->humble pie
l   rotisserie
l   wine撒嬌;發出哀鳴
l   mourn抱怨
l   rare/medium/medium well/well-done

l   hot pepper

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Trouble in the Land of Milk and Honey 1/3

Trouble in the Land of Milk and Honey 
June 12, 2014

l   It sounds like a strange combination of flavors. But they actually go very well together.
l   apprentice
l   sous-chef副主廚
l   The sous-chef is in charge of all the grilled dishes.副主廚負責所有燒烤類的菜餚
l   authentic 道地的
l   open-ended questions
l   take sick days
l   call in sick

l   keep a positive attitude

Monday, June 9, 2014

Too Close for Comfort? 2/2

Too Close for Comfort?  
Studio Classroom June 6, 2014

l   a preference for
l   asap=as soon as possible

l   ergonomics人體工學

Too Close for Comfort? 1/2

Too Close for Comfort?  
Studio Classroom June 5, 2014

l   cubical方形的小隔間
l   homey adj.
l   co-worker共事的人,不一定是同樣的領域或層次
l   colleague同樣的領域或同一階層的同事
l   staff: 1. a group of people such as employees who are responsible for carrying out a specific task; the people who make up the company. 一個工作人員a staff member 2. a stick or cane that is carried as an aid in the walking or climbing. 複數staves
l   shepherd
l   can't help but + V
l   ear plugs耳塞/earbuds耳機
l   eavesdropping
l   intentional eavesdropping
l   facilitate增長;促進:幫助
l   cauliflower花椰菜
l   Called the hero in the story the prince rescued the princess from the trouble. If you are giving some more details about a subject, you can start the sentence with the phrase "Called the..."

l   personal space: social zone/friend zone/intimate zone

Saturday, June 7, 2014


Studio Classroom June 7, 2014

l   a serving
l   I had zucchini for dinner.
l   thanks to=because of e.g. Thanks to the sudden rain, we're forced to end our picnic early. The airport was closed thanks to the heavy snow storm.
l   Where do you live? Where are you staying? (Where do you stay? <-- font="" question="" wrong="">
l   cozy
l   culture shock