Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What's Behind That Smile? 1/2

What's Behind That Smile?
Studio Classroom May 26, 2014

l   read between the lines 體會弦外之音
l   mask negative feelings
l   mask: you cover or hide something. You can mask many different things. For example, if there is bad smell, you can mask it with air fresher. That doesn't mean that the air is gone. But you have only masked the smell with another smell. You could mask how messy your room is by throwing all your stuff under the bed or into the closet. Your room isn't still organized but you have masked the mess by hiding everything somewhere else. But that doesn't solve the problem of being able to find your things. You can mask emotions.
l   a full range of something: That means that you have all of something
l   That restaurant menu includes a full range of Italian dishes.
l   The couple try to involve everyone around them in their quarrels.

l   to force a smile

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