Monday, May 12, 2014

Leo, the Taxi Driver(2)

Leo, the Taxi Driver
studio classroom 2014/05/13

Keywords and phases:
l   main character
l   otherwise另外或其他, e.g. Sarah believed her husband was innocent and has never thought otherwise. Sarah 自始至終相信她的先生是無辜的,從來不做他想。
l   hijack the taxi
Hijack means to take control of a vehicle by force, usually to go to a different destination then there a regional driver ever wanted to go.
l   took over his taxi
l   A meeting was hijacked. Maybe you held a meeting to discuss a future project for the company, but it was hijacked by another employee who talked to the entire length of the meeting about wanting a higher the salary.
l   carjack-it means someone's car was stolen from them while they're driving it
l   pull away to the curb
l   pull up to the house: drive to a certain place
l   pull the car into the driveway
l   pull the car off the road
l   pull the car out of the parking lot
l   get pulled over by the police, pull over is a ??? usually given by police officer to drive to the side of the road where it was safe to stop
l   to take sth well
l   take the risk
l   make money or lose it
l   turn out okay
l   risky
l   roadrunner-a kind of birds 走鵑鳥
l   this road runs from ... to ...
l   figure out on your own

l   change career

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