Sunday, May 18, 2014

Experience Chicago 3/3

Experience Chicago
Studio Classroom May 17, 2014

l   dare挑戰某人敢不敢e.g. I dare you to stand outside for 10 minutes in this kind of weather.
l   The girl's breathtaking beauty made her stand out in the crowd.
l   for a side view of the tiger
l   This picture is a side view of Willy's Tower. This is a side view of my new car.
l   skyscraper
l   You should be prepared to wait in line.
l   prepare for lots of situations
l   ledge
l   be afraid of heights
l   vertigo: a specific kind of dizziness, a sense that your environment moving or spinning in reality nothing is moving at all
l   acrophobia-- acro: height; phorbia: fear
l   a hundred of phobias
l   claustrophobia: the fear of confined spaces
l   arachnophobia: the fear of spiders
l   What's not to love?

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