Friday, May 23, 2014

The Meaning of Work 1/2

The Meaning of Work
Studio Classroom May 23, 2014

l   Samen inherited his love for music from his father.
l   Howl inherited his mansion(豪宅) from his parents.
l   inheritance
l   He received a huge inheritance from his uncle.
l   pick up自然而然學起來或不費力的獲得;潛移默化 e.g. Lora picked up a few French phrases when she worked in Paris. Eddy picked up the habit of swelling at school.
l   physical traits
l   mental characteristics
l   take after someone 遺傳到某人
l   a chip off the old block同一個模子印出來的(讚美)
l   The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.上樑不正下樑歪
l   thought patterns
l   service-oriented服務導向
l   cite引用
l   paycheck
l   a fake friend
l   a youngster: any young person. It could be a child or a teenager. Frequently it's used to describe older children moving into their teenage years

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