Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Should You Join a Gym 1/2

Should You Join a Gym
Studio Classroom May 28, 2014

l   run a marathon
l   My husband and I had a marathon discussion about our marriage problems.
l   PT=physical trainer or personal trainer
l   He's on his way out of bed.
l   bump into someone=run into someone: encounter someone on the road or while you're traveling
l   go for a run
l   in shape/fit
l   Betty and her sister alternate taking care of their father.
l   Sabrina’s feelings alternate between extreme joy and deep sorrow at the news.

l   spinning class

What's Behind That Smile? 2/2

What's Behind That Smile?
Studio Classroom May 27, 2014

l   eyebrow
l   a soft gaze
l   a faint smile
l   wear a half smile
l   There was an amazed look on David's face. David的臉上有被逗笑的神情。
l   A tight smile usually means that a person is not happy and would not like to do something else.
l   You can wear an expression on your face.

l   negate

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


*召集人:Starrie Chen

What's Behind That Smile? 1/2

What's Behind That Smile?
Studio Classroom May 26, 2014

l   read between the lines 體會弦外之音
l   mask negative feelings
l   mask: you cover or hide something. You can mask many different things. For example, if there is bad smell, you can mask it with air fresher. That doesn't mean that the air is gone. But you have only masked the smell with another smell. You could mask how messy your room is by throwing all your stuff under the bed or into the closet. Your room isn't still organized but you have masked the mess by hiding everything somewhere else. But that doesn't solve the problem of being able to find your things. You can mask emotions.
l   a full range of something: That means that you have all of something
l   That restaurant menu includes a full range of Italian dishes.
l   The couple try to involve everyone around them in their quarrels.

l   to force a smile

Saturday, May 24, 2014


日期:2014/05/23 Thurs 7:30PM-9PM
地點:鼓山區Starrie Chen住家
今天完成了TOEIC分級測驗聽力部分,一人一題輪流作答和解釋。較困難的部分應該是對話和獨白,一次要聽完一大段,聽完一遍就要作答。想知道答案的請自行上網測驗再跟Starrie Chen要答案唷。下次我們繼續討論閱讀的部分唷。


*召集人:Starrie Chen

The Meaning of Work 2/2

The Meaning of Work
Studio Classroom May 24, 2014

l   identity 身分;認知 e.g. Teenagers are looking a way to develop their sense of identity.
l   perspective -spect
l   a woman's perspective 女性觀點
l   several different perspectives on democracy movements
l   career-oriented
l   a place to find achievement
l   a sense of achievement
l   workaholic
l   try to avoid being at home
l   pass this kind of trait to kids
l   calling使命 Oxford devotes himself to his calling as a physician.
l   adolescent青少年
l   adolescent rebellion青春叛逆期
l   be concerned about
l   put personal ideals first

l   shopaholic

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Meaning of Work 1/2

The Meaning of Work
Studio Classroom May 23, 2014

l   Samen inherited his love for music from his father.
l   Howl inherited his mansion(豪宅) from his parents.
l   inheritance
l   He received a huge inheritance from his uncle.
l   pick up自然而然學起來或不費力的獲得;潛移默化 e.g. Lora picked up a few French phrases when she worked in Paris. Eddy picked up the habit of swelling at school.
l   physical traits
l   mental characteristics
l   take after someone 遺傳到某人
l   a chip off the old block同一個模子印出來的(讚美)
l   The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.上樑不正下樑歪
l   thought patterns
l   service-oriented服務導向
l   cite引用
l   paycheck
l   a fake friend
l   a youngster: any young person. It could be a child or a teenager. Frequently it's used to describe older children moving into their teenage years

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Josh Hutcherson: Boy No More 2/2

Josh Hutcherson: Boy No More    
Studio Classroom May 22, 2014

l   disadvantaged kids
l   call home
l   lead: actor
l   under one's belt獲得或完成某個事物
l   trilogy
l   jet lag時差 I am suffering from jet lag. I am jet-lagged.
l   suffering from a bad case of jet lag
l   sleeping rhythm
l   Jet lag hit me at 3 o'clock today.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Josh Hutcherson: Boy No More 1/2

Josh Hutcherson: Boy No More     
Studio Classroom May 21, 2014

l   follow your dream
l   follow the crowd -- not thinking for yourself. You're just doing what everyone else's doing and sometimes you can make bad decisions just because everyone else is just doing the same thing.
l   think himself/herself as + adj
l   positive qualities
l   take care of business
l   committed

l   to take matters into your own hands

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Love Is Blind 2/2

Love Is Blind  
Studio Classroom May 20, 2014

l   refer 1.稱呼 refer someone as ~ 2.提及 Maria referred to her trip to London in her column.
l   take in sth: you decide to care for sth, usually with tenderness and love
l   Many people take in animals that don't have home. They are lost and have no home and need someone to take care of them.
l   help out: You are sharing in the other person's work and have some responsibility in the task.
l   I thought the same thing.
l   a total of seven children
l   boast 誇口;自吹自雷
l   be soft on sth: be gentle toward sth, be less strict toward someone when it comes to enforcing the rules.

l   be hard on oneself

Monday, May 19, 2014

Love Is Blind 1/2

Love Is Blind   
Studio Classroom May 19, 2014

l   children with disabilities
l   loathly plan
l   birth defect先天的缺陷
l   going nowhere
l   get me some bread
l   along the way
l   foster home
l   pianist
l   hook on this little boy
l   orphanage
l   staggering令人難以置信的令人大吃一驚的
l   autistic患有自閉症的
l   autism自閉症
l   in search of

Sunday, May 18, 2014


地點:鼓山區Starrie Chen住家

今晚謝謝美女來陪寂寞的家庭主婦念書,也祝福Jolene Wu身體健康,感冒快好,多多休息。我們這次先對TOEIC做初步了解,所有訊息都從多益台灣區官網)取得。











*召集人:Starrie Chen
*內容:1.初步了解TOEIC 2.討論讀書會進行方式

Experience Chicago 3/3

Experience Chicago
Studio Classroom May 17, 2014

l   dare挑戰某人敢不敢e.g. I dare you to stand outside for 10 minutes in this kind of weather.
l   The girl's breathtaking beauty made her stand out in the crowd.
l   for a side view of the tiger
l   This picture is a side view of Willy's Tower. This is a side view of my new car.
l   skyscraper
l   You should be prepared to wait in line.
l   prepare for lots of situations
l   ledge
l   be afraid of heights
l   vertigo: a specific kind of dizziness, a sense that your environment moving or spinning in reality nothing is moving at all
l   acrophobia-- acro: height; phorbia: fear
l   a hundred of phobias
l   claustrophobia: the fear of confined spaces
l   arachnophobia: the fear of spiders
l   What's not to love?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Experience Chicago 2/3

Experience Chicago
Studio Classroom May 16, 2014

l   glass bricks/blocks
l   river bank/sea shore(=beach)/lake shore
l   mustard 芥末;芥末醬 e.g. Victor loves to put French mustard on his hot dog. The pork is seasoned with pepper and mustard.
l   cheesy (1)只有起士味道的 These cheesy crackers are my children's favorite snack. (2)廉價的;庸俗的 Edward loves to sing cheesy silly songs to cheer up.
l   tasty
l   toppings 餡料
l   contentment: Contentments are things that you add to food to give it extra flavor.
l   deep dish pizza 深盤披薩
l   crest 餅皮
l   servings 份量
l   Gino's East: Chicago pizza shop

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Experience Chicago 1/3

Experience Chicago 1/3
Studio Classroom May 15, 2014

l   big onion
l   We nickname our teacher.
l   earn a nickname
l   There's a chance the audience may not be interested.
l   blow off - this is when you place alert in front of the word "off", you show the object is moving away from something.
l   a wind breaker -- a special jacket. It breaks the wind. The jacket stops the wind.
l   handy
l   Chicago - Pronunciation: /SHiˈkôgō, -ˈkägō/
l   wear our walking shoes -- that means you should wear comfortable shoes because you're going to do a lot of walking.
l   be sure to pack your walking shoes

Monday, May 12, 2014

Leo, the Taxi Driver(2)

Leo, the Taxi Driver
studio classroom 2014/05/13

Keywords and phases:
l   main character
l   otherwise另外或其他, e.g. Sarah believed her husband was innocent and has never thought otherwise. Sarah 自始至終相信她的先生是無辜的,從來不做他想。
l   hijack the taxi
Hijack means to take control of a vehicle by force, usually to go to a different destination then there a regional driver ever wanted to go.
l   took over his taxi
l   A meeting was hijacked. Maybe you held a meeting to discuss a future project for the company, but it was hijacked by another employee who talked to the entire length of the meeting about wanting a higher the salary.
l   carjack-it means someone's car was stolen from them while they're driving it
l   pull away to the curb
l   pull up to the house: drive to a certain place
l   pull the car into the driveway
l   pull the car off the road
l   pull the car out of the parking lot
l   get pulled over by the police, pull over is a ??? usually given by police officer to drive to the side of the road where it was safe to stop
l   to take sth well
l   take the risk
l   make money or lose it
l   turn out okay
l   risky
l   roadrunner-a kind of birds 走鵑鳥
l   this road runs from ... to ...
l   figure out on your own

l   change career