Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Chase 1/2

The Chase
Studio Classroom July 2, 2014

l   knuckles n. 指節;關節 e.g. The boxer's knuckles were injured during the practice.
l   knuckle v. 屈服 e.g. People refused to knuckle under to the dictator anymore.
l   go off: to start or begin to do something e.g. My alarm clock usually goes off at six a.m. every morning.
l   white-knuckle - If something is "white-knuckle," then it makes you very scared or excited.
l   personification: to give objects that are not alive certain human characteristics.
whereabouts 下落、去向或所在之處
l   jerk/whip
l   apostrophe省略符號
l   whiplash

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