Tuesday, July 15, 2014


內容:LIVEABC TOEIC線上模擬測驗題庫聽力能力測驗http://www.pcschool.tv/soeasy/course/digi_t/09412TC1/index05.htm) 62~82題
allocate v. 撥款、分配
set aside for something 為~保留
vineyard n. A plantation of grapevines, typically producing grapes used in winemaking.葡萄園
connoisseur n. An expert judge in matters of taste 鑑賞家
hit 達到、取得
financial statement n. 財務報表
infer v. 推論
offense n. a breach of a law or rule; an illegal act.
tamper v. interfere with (something) in order to cause damage or make unauthorized alterations.
lavatory n. a room or compartment with a toilet and washbasin; a bathroom.
refrain v. stop oneself from doing something.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Passwords: Modern Memory Challenge 1/2

Passwords: Modern Memory Challenge
Studio Classroom July 7, 2014

l   tall order嚴苛的要求或難以完成的任務 e.g. Making 200 phones calls a day is still a tall order for professional salespersons.

l   comprise包括、包含 e.g. The exhibition comprises 100 oil paintings and 25 sculptures.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Calgary Stampede 2/2

Calgary Stampede
Studio Classroom July 5, 2014

l   frontier (1) 邊境 e.g. Life on the frontier was tough and dangerous. (2) 邊疆、邊界 (3)知識的新領域 e.g. The research team's work is on the frontier of medicine.

l   authentic 道地的、真正的 e.g. The report was proven to be an authentic account of the event, not exaggerated.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Calgary Stampede 1/2

Calgary Stampede
Studio Classroom July 5, 2014

l   ranch農場或牧場 rancher農場或牧場主人或管理者
l   tagline: a short phrase or a special word that is used to identify or describe a particular event, place or thing
l   gorge v. 狼吞虎嚥 e.g. David gorged on pizza after playing basketball.
l   gluttony 貪食

l   take in

The Chase 2/2

The Chase
Studio Classroom July 3, 2014

l   hot on one's trail: be very close to catching or finding it
l   hot on one's heels: someone is so close behind another person that they could see the heel of the other person's foot.
l   not much of a choice: there is little or no choice about something
l   interjections 感嘆詞
l   kill the engine: turn off the engine
l   l go to any length 不惜採取任何手段或竭盡全力 e.g. The team will go to any length to win the game.

l   l undercover 臥底或暗中進行的 e.g. The undercover agent was discovered and almost killed.

TOEIC Short Conversation

Here is a short conversation script. Please answer the questions as follows after reading the script.

[Listening Question Script]
F: So, do you think my new product is going to sell well?
M: Well, how much money have you allocated for advertising?
F: About two thousand dollars.
M: Well that's a start. Just remember advertising is crucial to a product's success.

(1) What does the man want to know?
A. How much money the woman spent on advertising.
B. How much money the woman set aside for advertising.
C. Whether or not the woman will advertise.
D. Who will design her advertising plan.

(2) What does the man tell the woman?
A. Advertising is very important.
B. Networking is more important than advertising.
C. He will help her design a business plan.
D. She should get a loan from the bank.

(3) What dollar figure does the woman mention in the conversation?
A. 1,000
B. 2,000
C. 3,000
D. 4,000

[Words and phrases]
allocate /ˈaləkeɪt/ (vt) Distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose: e.g. In past years we didn’t allocate enough funds to infrastructure maintenance

set something aside (v phr) Save or keep something, typically money or time, for a particular purpose: e.g. The bank expected to set aside about $700 million for restructuring

(1) What does the man want to know?
B. How much money the woman set aside for advertising.

(2) What does the man tell the woman?
A. Advertising is very important.

(3) What dollar figure does the woman mention in the conversation?
B. 2,000

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Chase 1/2

The Chase
Studio Classroom July 2, 2014

l   knuckles n. 指節;關節 e.g. The boxer's knuckles were injured during the practice.
l   knuckle v. 屈服 e.g. People refused to knuckle under to the dictator anymore.
l   go off: to start or begin to do something e.g. My alarm clock usually goes off at six a.m. every morning.
l   white-knuckle - If something is "white-knuckle," then it makes you very scared or excited.
l   personification: to give objects that are not alive certain human characteristics.
whereabouts 下落、去向或所在之處
l   jerk/whip
l   apostrophe省略符號
l   whiplash

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Looking Back

Looking Back
Studio Classroom July 1, 2014

presentation 呈現;表現;簡報