Thursday, October 28, 2010

English Word Games

(1)Write a word in a piece of paper. The Host collects all pieces. Everyone chooses one piece without showing the word to others.

(2)Tell everything possible about the word without saying it. The audience guess the word. The winner can pull a card.

(3)Go to the next person.

(1)The same as Game One.

(2)The audience ask any questions of the word-holder, who just answer yes, no or I don't know. The winner can pull a card.

(3)Go to the next person.

(1)Write a word in a piece of paper. The Host collects all pieces. The first person chooses a piece.

(2)The same as Game One.

(3)The next person chooses a piece and begins the game.

(Variation of GAME ONE)
(1)Every guest writes down a word in a piece of paper. The Host collects all pieces. Every guest chooses one piece without showing the word to others. (Every guest can choose their word beforehand or chooses when they take their turn.) Everyone also picks one card.

(2)Tell everything possible about the word without saying it. The other guests guess the word. The one correctly guesses will win all the cards of the speaker.

(3)Go to the next person.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Zhong Qiu Jie

Vocabulary and Phrases
Zhong Qiu Jie
Mid-Autumn Festival
Moon Festival
lunar calendar
family reunion

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

DaAiTV DaAi Headlines 20100922 Clever solutions to water shortage

According to the experts, if other countries could match Israel's water efficiency, there would be enough water for three times the current world population. As well as developing desalination and recycling technology, Israel places a high priority on managing its water usage. Even the parks are irrigated by central computer systems.

--- Rush for water technology ---
The world's biggest seawater desalination plant. A wastewater recycling rate of 75 percent. And home of the world-beating drip irrigation system.

Israel's water technology achievements may be startling, but with demand still double the supply, the country is not resting on its laurels.

--- Watering Ramat Gan National Park ---
In Israel's National Park in Ramat Gan, people relax on the grass under shady trees. In the lush green 50 hectares of the park, it is easy to forget you are in a dry Middle Eastern nation. The question is: how does the irrigation system manage to water all the plants?

National Park manager: "Now I come to the central control of irrigation of the National Park of Ramat Gan."

--- Central computer controls water ---
Every sprinkler can be turned on and off using a mobile phone. The park's irrigation control system is consolidated through a wireless and centralized computer network. When the grass in one part of the park gets dry, the computer makes a quick calculation to water it.

Israel water authority manager, Yakir Zukerman: "The system is to irrigate accurately on time and save water and save energy, by saving water and energy basically you save water to the municipality."

--- Automatic monitoring system ---
In addition, the irrigation system in every area of the park has an automatic monitoring system that can make instant adjustments to the water supply.

National Park manager: "Flow monitor is very important because if you have maybe a sprinkler breaks, I know in the controller this sprinkler is broken, and I close the irrigation."

--- Technology for a thirsty world ---
According to the experts, if farmers in the rest of the world saved water like the Israelis, the Earth could support three times its current population. In the park, the intelligent irrigation system cuts water use by almost 50 percent.

Understanding that every drop is precious, this Israeli water technology company has come up with a range of gadgets that turn dirty water into clean drinkable water.

"This clever device, that fits on most bottle tops and taps, is a personal water purifier."

Israel water purification manufacturer, Yossie Sandak: "What we are doing in the system, the water is running through a very sophisticated system of filters and active carbon."

--- Personal water purifier ---
The device can treat water of virtually any quality. It works using active carbon, which comes in powder, granules, chips and blocks. Active carbon is riddled with fine pores, which trap contaminants as they pass through. Put into a filter, it can quickly and effectively purify water. In the aftermath of Typhoon Morakot, Israel donated the devices to Taiwan.

--- "Waste" not in the dictionary ---
And so, an application designed to save water is now being used in disaster situations. But all this comes naturally to the Israelis, who say the word "waste" is not part of their vocabulary.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Talk in English III Exams

I share my feelings after the test yesterday.(Length:07:36)

Friday, June 25, 2010



Twilight Eclipse Premiere

Twilight Eclipse Premiere Talking To Fans

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Premiere!

暮光之城3蝕洛杉磯首映 影迷蜂湧爭睹

Eclipse to Premiere June 30, 2010


YouTube Streams Twilight: Eclipse Premiere

Fans Line Up 3 Days Ahead of 'Eclipse' Premiere

1.(noun) the first public performance of a film/movie or play (電影、戲劇的)首次公演,首映 The premiere of a new play or film is the first public performance of it.

2.(verb) to perform a play or piece of music or show a film/movie to an audience for the first time; to be performed or shown to an audience for the first time 首次公演(戲劇、音樂、電影)When a film or show premieres or is premiered, it is shown to an audience for the first time.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Color of Secrets

What color is a secret?
If it is dark, what is the secret like?
Jacob has a dark secret like Edward.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Twilight Saga Playlists

Twilight Saga: Books and Movies

Twilight Saga: New Moon Book Recaps

New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 1
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 2
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 3
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 4
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 5
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 6
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 7
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 8
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 9 "Third Wheel"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 10 "The Meadow"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 11 "Cult"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 12 "Intruder"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 13 "Killer"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 14 "Family"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 15 "Pressure"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 16 "Paris"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 17 "Visitor"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 18 "The Funeral"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 19 "Race"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 20 "Volterra"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 21 "Verdict"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 22 "Flight"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 23 "The Truth"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 24 "Vote"
New Moon Book Recap: Chapter 25 "Epilogue Treaty"

Eclipse Book Recap

A Trailer or a Teaser?

What's the difference between a trailer and a teaser?
See the article below:
电影预告片的 teaser 于 trailer 有什么不同?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Chickadees and Song Sparrows

《chickadee 山雀》


《song sparrow 籬雀》


chickadees' photos and sounds

Advanced Studio Classroom March 2006's article:
"More than Meets the Ear in Birds' songs"

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Twilight Characters

◎Bella Swan


◎Charlie Swan


Twilight Cartoon Characters

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Talk in English I My Room

Topic:My Room
Date:June 12,2010
Duration:201.25 seconds

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


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The City of Angels

The City of Angels指的是洛杉磯(Los Angeles)。

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

class assembly

morning assembly 朝會
weekly assembly 週會
class assembly 班會

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Portraits help bring closure to fallen troops' loved ones

Portraits help bring closure to fallen troops' loved ones
By Patrick Oppmann, CNN

Gay teen in prom case is local pariah, national heroine

Gay teen in prom case is local pariah, national heroine
By Jessica Ravitz, CNN

  1. prom 舞會
  2. tuxedo 燕尾服
  3. daunt vt discourage 使膽怯;使畏縮
  4. throw up vt bring to notice 使引人注意;揭示出
  5. file suit 提起訴訟
  6. First Amendments rights
  7. attorney=lawyer
  8. counsel adviser
  9. transgender 變性
  10. by virtue of as a result of; by means of 由於;憑...;藉...
  11. overarching 總體
  12. groundswell 風潮
  13. a poster child
  14. internship 實習
  15. outreach
  16. spoiler
  17. stipulate vt state as a necessary condition 提出以...為條件;約定;規定
  18. talk trash about
  19. shore
  20. drawl
  21. empower
  22. spearhead
  23. queer
  24. rampant
  25. compulsion
  26. pariah

Teen suspended over prom dress
Added On April 1, 2010
An Alabama teen misses her prom because school officials thought her dress was too revealing. WBRC reports.

Darrie DeRamus - mother

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